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Our Services


Grace and Mercy Establishment is an esteemed nonprofit organization committed to providing vital support to individuals impacted by the trauma of sexual assault. Our principal aim is to foster a nurturing and empowering environment conducive to the healing and rehabilitation of sexual assault survivors. We provide an array of services and programs customized to meet the specific needs of each individual. What distinguishes us is our steadfast dedication to offering a distinctive, secure, and comforting environment purposefully crafted to address the multifaceted needs of individuals who have endured the trauma of sexual assault.

What We


Faith-Based Therapy 

With faith-based therapy sessions individuals can confidently address the root of their problems with a therapist in faith. These sessions are designed to provide a safe and supportive environment a more in-depth of the issues at hand, with a minimum duration of two hours.



Our comprehensive transportation services are designed to provide more than just a ride to your appointments. We understand the emotional toll that medical and legal visits after a sexual assault can take, and we are committed to offering the support you need during this challenging time. Our compassionate team is dedicated to walking alongside you throughout the entire process, providing the emotional support and reassurance to make the experience as stress-free as possible.


Forgiving What You CanNot Forget

Forgiving can be a challenging process, especially when it comes to forgiving those who have harmed us. However, it's important to remember that forgiveness is not about excusing the actions of others, but rather about finding peace within ourselves. Through faith, we can learn to let go of anger and resentment, and move towards healing and growth.


Risk Reduction

Sexual assault is a pervasive issue, and while it may be challenging to prevent all instances, we are confident that through education, we can empower individuals to recognize warning signs, assertively refuse unwanted advances, and learn effective self-defense techniques.


Guided Journaling 

Guided journaling is a therapeutic practice that can be pursued individually or in a group setting. It involves a structured writing process that offers a safe and supportive environment for individuals to express and release their trauma through written reflections. This process provides a guided pathway for individuals to explore their emotions, thoughts, and experiences, ultimately aiding in the cathartic release of their emotional burdens.


Healthy Eating Program

Maintaining a healthy diet is absolutely crucial for achieving a healthier lifestyle, as it significantly aids in the healing process and effectively reduces anxiety and stress levels. Incorporating a balanced and nutritious diet is a powerful way to greatly improve overall well-being.


Safe Housing

 Our organization is dedicated to providing a secure and confidential housing option for individuals who have experienced sexual assault. We understand the importance of a safe and supportive environment for survivors to heal and recover. Our services are available to victims of all ages and genders, and we prioritize their well-being and empowerment.


Group Sessions 

Sexual assault is a pervasive and deeply impactful issue that many individuals struggle with. Facing it alone can be incredibly challenging. However, participating in group sessions provides an opportunity to connect with a supportive community of individuals who have similar experiences. These sessions offer a safe space to openly discuss difficult emotions and experiences, helping to alleviate feelings of isolation and providing reassurance that you are not alone in your journey towards healing and recovery.

Grace and Mercy Establishment played a crucial role in facilitating my healing process following the traumatic experience of sexual assault. Upon discovering them online, I found the support and reassurance I needed to navigate this challenging journey. This unique establishment is exclusively dedicated to aiding sexual assault survivors and is deeply rooted in faith.


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